Beakbane is a Toronto branding agency. We specializing in brand strategy, communications, and graphic design in print, web, and package design.
beakbane, brand, agency, firm, branding, strategy, communications, design, graphic design, toronto, packaging, web design, wordpress, logo design, corporate identity, Corp ID, brand, Lindt, Lindt & Sprungli, CSGA, Canadian Sporting Goods Association, Osprey, Osprey Organics, Ice River Springs, Ice River Green, Sisley, Aurora Overhead Door, Park Lane Plumbing, Olympian Wealth Management and Investment, Sheridan, Sheridan College, Fugawi, Labatt, Kokanee, FullMast, Plant-Prod, Lindor,
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Supercharge web content with WordPress plugins

WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and content management system (CMS). ItĀ has grown from a simple CMS known as b2/cafelogĀ in 2003 to the most widely used CMS on the Internet. As of January 7, 2012, 62.38% of the web's top million websites

Get ready to connect in multi-dimensions

The internet is about to transform the way we see and interact with the world in ways we could only have dreamed about a few years ago. The existence of social networking sites and the amount of data collected from them allows programmers to make rich

New media: we’re all drowning in content

My passion is flying. On weekends I get a thrill hopping into a little Cessna and wandering around the countryside at 4,000 feet. I wanted to share my passion with aspiring pilots, so in the summer I started a blog. From working with our clients I've