Beakbane is a Toronto branding agency. We specializing in brand strategy, communications, and graphic design in print, web, and package design.
beakbane, brand, agency, firm, branding, strategy, communications, design, graphic design, toronto, packaging, web design, wordpress, logo design, corporate identity, Corp ID, brand, Lindt, Lindt & Sprungli, CSGA, Canadian Sporting Goods Association, Osprey, Osprey Organics, Ice River Springs, Ice River Green, Sisley, Aurora Overhead Door, Park Lane Plumbing, Olympian Wealth Management and Investment, Sheridan, Sheridan College, Fugawi, Labatt, Kokanee, FullMast, Plant-Prod, Lindor,
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We designed this packaging for our client, Lindt, that celebrates Canada’s 150th birthday. We also created special packs featuring the landmarks of Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Niagara Falls and Toronto (shown here). They make lovely gifts and are available in the Lindt Stores.

Yelp for business – becoming aggressive

Yelp has called us three time within a week urging us to complete our Yelp for Business page. Their strategy must be to expand out from food and hospitality reviews to business services, which is perhaps why their stock price is currently $65 and climbing back from its

Impressive digital and social media performance for Duty Free

Duty Free Canada is a group of retail stores that sell products to cross-border travellers free of tax and duty. They're located on the Canadian-side of the Canada-US border. The store owners have been striving to educate travellers, particularly Canadian travellers, that they can indeed stop

Innovation: Ask questions you do not know how to answer

Here is Tim Hurson, our very own from Toronto, addressing the challenge of innovation at TEDxMaastricht. Everyone talks about the need for innovation but its practice is hard because you have to venture where it is impossible to be confident.

Campy, amusing communication that works

We have all been subjected to pre-flight safety messages hundreds of times. How many have we actively paid attention to? In my case, none. Here is Air New Zealand's campy, funny version. This is the only one I have ever paid attention to. It is hilarious

Season’s greeting social experiment

OK. In the left corner we have a greying, slightly overweight fighter - his name is Mr. Impressions. In the right corner there's a cocky newcomer. She's clever – maybe too clever for her own good. Her name is Miss Social. At Beakbane we have been

Branding: a lure and a seed

Last week I gave a presentation to the Canadian Duty Free Association on modern approaches to creating value. The point that I aimed to communicate was that traditional marketing tactics often do not create much long-term value unless they emanate from a brand focus, which