Marketography: Why marketers need to innovate
Beakbane is a Toronto branding agency. We specializing in brand strategy, communications, and graphic design in print, web, and package design.
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Marketography: Why marketers need to innovate

Here is a goofy animation that we created six years ago that uses the metaphor of “sink holes”, which are geological features, to illustrate how marketing techniques become progressively shaky over time – hence the necessity to constantly innovate. If we were going to make a similar video today we would make it differently. We would avoid using Flash, which is a processor hog that forced us to  down-sample, hence the blurry quality. And we would make it less than half the length so it does not exceed the normal attention span for online videos.

It is mildly ironic that these two points are themselves examples of what the video was explaining; that audiences and technologies change.