Fugawi marine navigation software – re-launched
If you own a boat and want to know where you are going Fugawi Marine 5 is the software you need – it makes navigation simple.
Fugawi is a Toronto based digital mapping company whom we started working with prior to the 2001 dot-com crash. They resisted getting swept up in the enthusiasm characteristic of their competitors who over-invested, shone brightly and then disappeared. Instead they have been careful in how they have invested in product development and marketing.
GPS and mapping technology is a challenging market and has been changing with head-snapping speed. Fugawi has had to keep ahead of the changing demands of users who expect software to be easy to use, robust and flexible. They have to compete with Google’s services that are ever more omnipresent and they also need to stay abreast of the constant updates to operating systems including Microsoft Windows 7 and 8.
The latest version of the software has been completely rewritten with numerous improvements. The user interface is cleaner and can run on touchscreen devices. Multiple charts can be used at the same time. It is now easy to import and export data and share routes on Facebook.
The marketing challenge is similar to that faced by many technology-oriented companies. Hundreds of improvements have been made to the product – so the task is to decide what to communicate because a list of features and benefits is unmemorable and yet each has some significance to at least a few of the dealers, installers and end-users.
The number of improvements make the software clearly superior to all competitors but the main benefit is the software’s ease of use and so we developed the packaging to be likewise clean and simple.
However the distinguishing benefit is that Fugawi Marine 5 has industry leading capabilities in how it integrates different functionalities – streamlining them. The software is like a central control room that ties all the different navigational devices and gauges on a boat displaying them on a single screen. The software also links with Fugawi’s charts portal, X-Traverse.com and also with cloud software, including Google Earth and social media. So Fugawi Marine 5 is a central control device that takes otherwise separate systems and unites them together.
This competitive advantage is communicated by the tagline on the brochure and the packaging which states, “Navigation streamlined” because that sums up how Fugawi Marine 5 is easier to use and it integrates different functions into one streamlined whole.
Fugawi Marine 5 is a complex product and yet we have managed to make the communications strategic and simple. With innovation like this Fugawi has a bright future.

Fugawi, Northport Systems has been a client of Beakbane since 1999 when we developed the Fugawi logo and coined the tagline “Know where you are going”.
See here for case study.