Brand Development
Starting from the ground up or working with an established brand, we advocate developing a “brand focus”. A clear brand focus is the foundation on which all the brand activities can be built on, resulting in the brand being more memorable and likable. A well-crafted brand focus makes all subsequent marketing efforts easier and more effective. 
brand development, brand, branding, brand focus
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Brand Development

Brand development

When we develop a brand, we present our client with a few options. One is always exactly what is requested. The others are eye-opening to new possibilities.

We develop brands, sometimes from the ground up starting with the vision of an entrepreneur. At other times we reinvigorate established products providing a platform for new growth.


We advocate developing a “brand focus”. A clear brand focus is the foundation on which all the brand activities can be built on, resulting in the brand being more memorable and likeable. A well-crafted brand focus makes all subsequent marketing efforts easier and more effective. 


The brand focus is comprised of the name and brand identity, the positioning and the defining benefit.


Here, you will find examples of brands we have helped craft. You will note that each is unique in its own way and all the brand tactics exhibit “coherence,” that is they have a consistent look and personality.


Here are a few examples of the brands we have helped create:

Kali Wags

Kokanee - Beakbane Brand Strategies

Kokanee Beer

Icon - Live Contact

Live Contact

Osprey Organics - Beakbane Brand Strategies and Communications

Osprey Organics

Park Lane Plumbing Limited - Beakbane Brand Strategies

Park Lane Plumbing Ltd.

Icon - PeakWorks


Icon - PenSafe


Icon - Plant-Prod


Icon - Plasmatreat


Icon - Pro-House


Icon - RJ Spagnols

RJ Spagnols

Icon - Roofers World

Roofers World

Sheridan College - Beakbane Brand Strategies and Communications

Sheridan College

Icon - Shopping Mole

Shopping Mole

Icon - Branding - Styletto
